
Art by Chris Policheri

 Most of these pictures are things I was hired to come up with, whether it be a kids menu or a hotel coloring book… even an company event now and again.

Outlier Coloring Page.png
iconlion 2.jpg
Kimpton Color Title (2).jpg
Kimpton Color Boarder (2).jpg
Kimpton Color Boarder (3).jpg
Kimpton Color Title (3).jpg
Kimpton Color Octafish (2).jpg
Kimpton Color Octafish (3).jpg
Kimpton Color Treespace (3).jpg
Kimpton Color Treespace (2).jpg

For this I was hired to come up with pineapple characters fitting their 6 employees interest. (ie. one loved kits, one loved Sailor Moon and so on.) But she only gave me like 2 or 3 words to describe them. She loved them!